
Our Approach

Denny Atkin

Denny has been making technology accessible and fun for a wide audience for over two decades now. He's worked as a writer and editor for publications ranging from OMNI Magazine to Computer Gaming World to Handheld Computing, and his works have appeared in publications ranging from Wired to Entertainment Weekly to airline magazines. He's also written four books for publishers like Osborne/McGraw Hill and John Wiley & Sons (the "For Dummies" series).

By day he's a Senior Category Manager in the ever-growing digital entertainment retail industry. By night he's a freelance writer, editor, photographer and half of the nationally renowned comedy duo The Next Generation Gap.

Our Story

Next Steps...

Denny's available for professional consulting, writing, editing, event hosting, improv team-building training, blogging, photography, and more. Drop him a line at contact (at) and let him know how you'd like him to help you with your professional or creative endeavors.